The Nomads Outdoors Group Inc.
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How to Join
To join The Nomads Outdoors Group Inc, sign up online (which indicates your acceptance of the Rules of the group and the By-laws), and pay the relevant fee. Membership takes effect immediately for the period purchased. At the end of that period, you will be invited to renew your membership. A discount is available to Members who hold any current concession card that is recognised for public transport in Victoria or Melbourne. Different levels of membership are available:
- Full Membership 12 Months (and associated Concession Membership 12 Months): full voting, participation and leadership rights.
- Temporary 1 month Membership: no voting rights, but full participation rights.
- Visitor: participation rights for a single activity.
Membership Fees
Membership of The Nomads costs $44 per year for a Full Membership, $36 per year for a Concession Membership, $8 per month for a Temporary Membership, or typically $5 per activity for a Visitor (though Visitor fees may be waived in some cases such as for promotional activites or the monthly social evenings).
Procedure to Join
If you have any difficulties, take a look at our Joining Instructions for New Members or CONTACT US.
Register of Members
The Secretary maintains securely a register of members containing the name and address of each member, the date on which the Member joined the group and their next-of-kin details. For more details about the Register, you may wish to view the Rules of the group.
The By-laws of The Nomads provide that:
- Membership details of members shall be held secure and only disclosed to (a) the committee, and (b) other members, to the extent necessary to deliver the services of the Association and
- Members shall respect the privacy of other members and shall not:
- seek to obtain personal details of another member not otherwise on the public record, or
- take a photograph of that member without permission of that member.
The Nomads has insurance policies that primarily protect event leaders (and those assisting them) when leading or planning Nomads activities. Any participant who is injured on an event would be covered by either or both their Medicare or private health insurance policy. (Insurers are not allowed to provide coverage for items included in the Medicare schedule). An individual member's biggest risk when participating in a Nomads event is the financial cost for ambulance services, which could be substantial. Some people have ambulance cover provided by their concession health card or their private health insurance fund. It's a personal responsibility to verify that OR become an Ambulance Victoria member.