ConFest (Conference/Festival) is a gathering of people wishing to share talents, skills, ideas, concerns and philosophies in a caring, fun loving and tolerant atmosphere. The presentation of workshops, demonstrations, entertainments and the maintenance of site facilities are all performed by volunteers, monetary payment is neither accepted nor made.
The event works with the energy and participation of the people who attend. Everyone is encouraged to get involved and help out where possible. At ConFest, everybody shares the responsibility of making the event as fantastic as possible.
For more information please see: Confest - Australia's leading Alternative Lifestyle Festival
ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION: The Nomads will be present at Confest and you are welcome to join us at Nudies or Rainbow villages. Email the event leader if you wish to learn more about attending the event as a first timer. There is plenty of information on the Confest website, including what to bring.
The Nomads will run 1-2 clothing optional 2-3 hour easy walks during the event around the property. Meet Sat/Sun 10am at the information tent. The information boards for 'Nudies' will contain more information. Bring with you a hat, sunscreen, towel, sunglasses and comfortable walking shoes. Also advisable to bring 1L of drinking water on the walk. You are welcome to also come along and experience Confest with friends or even make new friends during your time at Confest.
BOOKING: By Friday 18th April (although entry to site is across the entire festival period). Earliest check-in is from midday on Thursday 17th, and you must be off-site by midday Tuesday 22nd April.
To register:
* There are no day or shorter term tickets
LOCATION: 7599 Pretty Pine Road, Moulamein NSW
MAP REFERENCE: Google map Click here to view the ConFest location on Google Maps.
From Melbourne - via Echuca and Deniliquin 385km
From Melbourne - via Kerang and Moulamein 373km
Weekly bus From Swan Hill to Moulamein
Carpooling and Transport Facebook Page
FOOD: Food (Vegan only) and drinks can be purchased at the onsite Market but it is advisable to also bring your own food/drinks/snacks to the event as you would for a 3-4 day camping trip. There is drinking water available all over the site and is very safe to consume.
Please note this will most likely be an alcohol free event.
APPAREL | FOOTWEAR: Comfortable walking boots/shoes and dress according to the weather forecast. A pair of thongs and comfotable shoes during the event. Moulamein can be several degrees hotter than Melbourne during the day and cooler in the evenings.
If camping in the forest, bring your usual camping equipment, sleeping bag and warm clothes in the evening. Try to pack light as you will need to walk approx. 1 km from the car park to the camping area. Trolleys are available onsite and there is also a bus to drop you off at certain stops. The Welcome crew can help direct you if using this service.
LEADER: Jason T. | Email if you have any questions.
Members can access leader contact details under Members | Leader Contacts when logged in to the website.
PO Box 56, Flinders Lane, Melbourne, Victoria, 8009, Australia