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The Nomads Outdoors Group Inc.

Daylesford Naturist Walk During Chillout

Sun, 9 Mar 2025
13:30 - 16:45

This event is part of the Nomads 3-day Chillout Event Program.

This event is for naturists. Enjoy a pleasant clothes-free 3-hour walk in the peaceful surroundings of the Wombat State Forest in the heart of Daylesford. 

Please note: This is a clothing-free event (not clothing optional) and all attendees will be asked to conform to the nature of the event (weather permitting). Non-conformists will be politely asked to leave the event without refund. This event caters for the beginner to experienced naturist/bushwalker in a friendly, supportive and accepting environment where one can reconnect with nature and be part of the ChillOut weekend events.

GRADE | LENGTH | TYPE: Grade 3, Moderate, approximately 9 km circuit walk. The country is generally undulating, though there are some rough tracks with a few fallen logs to navigate at times. Some bushwalking experience is recommended.

ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION: This event is for naturists. Enjoy a pleasant clothes-free stroll through the tall trees and along the picturesque creeks in Wombat State Forest near Daylesford. A good chance for a chat, or just enjoy the pleasure of being in the forest, without clothes. We will visit the Wombat Dam with an opportunity for a swim during our afternoon tea break. The walk should finish by 5:00pm at the starting point in time for preparing for your evening social events. 

BOOKING: By COB Friday 7th March. To register, click on Get Tickets.
Unsure if you've already booked? Click View my bookings.

MEETING TIME | LOCATION: 1:30pm at Bolton's Takeaway Cafe, 31a East St Daylesford (clothed). The cafe will be closed so please ensure you have eaten lunch or packed snacks prior. Please be on time so we can make the most of our time in the forest.

MAP REFERENCE: Google map maps.app.goo.gl/fYQqNXCMdQW5Uyfa7.

DISTANCE | TIME FROM GPO: 114 km | 1 hour 25 minutes.

COST: Free for Nomads members, $5 for non-members.

FOOD: You may wish to bring about 600ml of water. Food/snacks are not required but you can take a snack if you like.

APPAREL | FOOTWEAR: Sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, repellent (maybe). Wear comfortable walking shoes/boots. Shorts for the start and end of the walk. 

LEADER: Jason T. | Email LeaderJasonT@nomads.org.au if you have any questions.
Members can access leader contact details under Members | Leader Contacts when logged in to the website.


Ticket Type Price
Member free ticket PLEASE LOG IN TO GET THIS TICKET. This is a free ticket - only one per member, per event. The ticket is not transferable. You must be a financial member on the date of the event. If you want to take a visitor, you must purchase a Visitor ticket in addition to your Member Free ticket.
* Want to join the club? Click on "ANY Membership Required"
* Is it saying "Membership Required" under QTY, even though you're a member? Click on "LOG IN" below.
* Not sure if you're already booked in? Check your profile.
Any Membership Required* Log in
$0.00 Membership Required
Visitor paid tickets ($5 per person, per event)

This is a paid visitor ticket for non-members, including Meetup members. On check-out you will be asked to provide some basic safety information. Non-members can join the club by clicking on "ANY Membership Required".

WAIVER: By purchasing this ticket, I agree to the following:

  1. I declare that I am at least 18 years of age.
  2. I undertake to observe the Rules and By-Laws of the Nomads Outdoors Group Inc. (the Association) in force at any time.
    ( View the Rules of the group or View the By-laws )
  3. In voluntarily participating in an activity of the Association, I acknowledge that this activity may expose me to risks that could lead to my injury, illness, death or to loss of or damage to my property. I also acknowledge that I may also be found to have contributed to injury or illness or death of others or to the loss of or damage to their property.
  4. I acknowledge that I will take responsibility for my own actions while participating in any activity of the Association.
  5. I agree that no refund is available if I cancel my booking less than 24 hours prior to the event. However, if I cancel at any time due to COVID-19, or the event is cancelled by the leader, a refund will be provided. 
WAITING LIST TICKET (Free, members only) This is a waiting list ticket to establish your place in the queue should cancellations occur prior to the event. This is NOT a ticket to attend. You will be notified if a place becomes available. Any Membership Required* Log in $0.00 Membership Required
Total: $
31 East St Daylesford
31 East St, Daylesford VIC 3460, Australia

PO Box 56, Flinders Lane, Melbourne, Victoria, 8009, Australia