Enjoy the comfort of a home base, together with access to the world class Wilsons Promontory National Park for day walks.
GRADE | LENGTH | TYPE: Grade 2 or 3 | Easy/Medium – day walks and beach activities.
ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION: We have a private house at Yanakie overlooking Corner Inlet just outside the park entrance. You can come down for as many days as you like. It is quite flexible. There are many nice day walks in the area. We will decide where to walk each day taking into account the condition of the weather and the participants. The house offers a hot shower, comfortable accommodation and a log fire to warm up if it is cold.
Shower and toilet facilities are available in the house. Camping is available on the property. Bed and floor space is limited in the house, so it will be allocated on a needs basis. Alternatively you can look for accommodation close by, but book early as Easter time is busy.
There is very limited shopping in the area. Bring your own breakfasts and lunches. On Friday night a BBQ is offered. Bring your own meat/veggie burger and anything you like to accompany that. Saturday and Sunday night meals are provided for a small donation.
Roger no longer owns the property, so there is now a small fee of $7 per person, per night (Fri/Sat/Sun) to cover costs. To make things simple it is the same fee whether you camp, or squash into the house. Visitors should take out a Temporary 1 month membership (cost $8) prior to selecting Get Tickets.
BOOKING: By Friday 11th April. To register, click on Get Tickets. There is a limit of 30 people, and it is on a first-booked first-served basis.
Unsure if you've already booked? Click View my bookings.
FURTHER INFORMATION: www.parks.vic.gov.au/places-to-see/parks/wilsons-promontory-national-park.
MEETING TIME | LOCATION: You can arrive any time from Thursday as arranged with the leader. You will be given location details after registering.
MAP REFERENCE: Melway map X928/628 grid C10 | VicRoads map 103 grid D7 | Google map goo.gl/maps/A8fupz5R28HgD9Ec9. Detailed directions will be provided after the RSVP date.
DISTANCE | TIME FROM GPO: Approximately 195 km. Yanakie is 2.5 hours drive from Melbourne towards Wilsons Promontory.
TRANSPORT: Public transport not available. We will try to maximise car-pooling as parking is limited at the house.
FOOD: Bring supplies for your own breakfast and lunch. Communal night meals will be arranged once the numbers are known.
APPAREL | FOOTWEAR: Warm waterproof gear and changes of clothing. Summery attire is also likely to be needed. It might be warm enough to dive into the sea. Light comfortable walking footwear.
ACCOMMODATION: There are a limited number of beds, some floor space, and plenty of tent space in the garden. Bring linen and towels or a sleeping bag if sleeping inside.
COST: Accommodation charge of $7 per person per night (to be paid when you "Get Tickets"). Free entry to the National Park. Cash donation towards any meals that are provided.
LEADER: Roger H. | Email leaderrogerh@nomads.org.au if you have any questions.
Members can access leader contact details under Members | Leader Contacts when logged in to the website.
Ticket Type | Price | |
This ticket entitles one member to stay at the Yanakie property on the FRIDAY NIGHT of the Easter 2023 Yanakie / Wilsons Prom event. If you want to register for 2 people, select Qty 2. Being a member, you don't need to supply contact details as we already have those. PLEASE LOG IN TO GET THIS TICKET.
Membership Required*
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* Want to join the club? Click on "ANY Membership Required" * Is it saying "Membership Required" under QTY, even though you're a member? Click on "LOG IN" below. * Not sure if you're already booked in? Check your profile. |
$7.00 | Membership Required |
This ticket entitles one member to stay at the Yanakie property on the SATURDAY NIGHT of the Easter 2023 Yanakie / Wilsons Prom event. If you want to register for 2 people, select Qty 2. Being a member, you don't need to supply contact details as we already have those. PLEASE LOG IN TO GET THIS TICKET.
Membership Required*
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* Want to join the club? Click on "ANY Membership Required" * Is it saying "Membership Required" under QTY, even though you're a member? Click on "LOG IN" below. * Not sure if you're already booked in? Check your profile. |
$7.00 | Membership Required |
This ticket entitles one member to stay at the Yanakie property on the SUNDAY NIGHT of the Easter 2023 Yanakie / Wilsons Prom event. If you want to register for 2 people, select Qty 2. Being a member, you don't need to supply contact details as we already have those. PLEASE LOG IN TO GET THIS TICKET.
Membership Required*
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* Want to join the club? Click on "ANY Membership Required" * Is it saying "Membership Required" under QTY, even though you're a member? Click on "LOG IN" below. * Not sure if you're already booked in? Check your profile. |
$7.00 | Membership Required |
PO Box 56, Flinders Lane, Melbourne, Victoria, 8009, Australia