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The Nomads Outdoors Group Inc.

Currawong Falls, Aireys Inlet day walk

Sun, 22 Nov 2020
10:30 - 16:00

Spend a day in the glorious ironbark forests behind Aireys Inlet, with views over the sea. Maximum of 12 participants.

GRADE | LENGTH | TYPE: Medium 12.5 km circuit walk on formed track. It undulates, but there is no sustained climbing. The walk climbs up to 230m.  

This very scenic walk passes through rainforest, and dry forests behind Aireys Inlet. We will all meet at the General Store in Aireys inlet (on the left on the main road). From there we will drive in convoy to the start. There are no facilities during the walk, and we will have a picnic lunch along the way.

MEETING TIME | LOCATION: 10:30am at the Aireys Inlet General Store, 40 Great Ocean Rd, Aireys Inlet.

MAP REFERENCE: Melway map X911 grid C10 | Google map goo.gl/maps/Ue4ekLE1NbvK5ZqL7

DISTANCE | TIME FROM GPO: 130 km from Melb GPO. Allow 1 hour 40 minutes to drive to the meeting point (head towards Geelong, then past Anglesea along the Great Ocean Road). 

PUBLIC TRANSPORT: Not available on Sunday morning.

FOOD: Bring lunch, and also at least 1 litre of water depending on how hot the day is.

APPAREL | FOOTWEAR: Light comfortable walking footwear and dress according to the weather forecast. Check the weather forecast before leaving. It can be very hot and sunny, or quite cool and wet near the ocean.

BOOKING: By Friday 20th November. To register, click on Get Tickets.

LEADER: Roger H. / Alan D. | Email the Leader if you have any questions. Members can access leader contact details under Members | Leader Contacts when logged in to the website.



Ticket Type Price
Member free ticket This is a free ticket. Only one per member. The ticket is not transferable. You must be a financial member on the date of the event. If you want to take a visitor, you must purchase a Visitor ticket in addition to your Free ticket.
* Want to join the club? Click on "Any Membership Required" below.
* Is it saying "Membership Required" even though you're a member?
Click on "Log in".

$0.00 Unavailable
Visitor paid tickets ($5 per person, per event)

This is a paid visitor ticket for non-members. On check-out you will be asked to provide some basic safety information. Non-members can join the club by clicking on "Any Membership Required" above.

By purchasing this ticket, I agree to the following:
  1. I declare that I am at least 18 years of age.
  2. I undertake to observe the Rules and By-Laws of the Nomads Outdoors Group Inc. (the Association) in force at any time.
    ( View the Rules of the group or View the By-laws )
  3. In voluntarily participating in an activity of the Association, I acknowledge that this activity may expose me to risks that could lead to my injury, illness, death or to loss of or damage to my property. I also acknowledge that I may also be found to have contributed to injury or illness or death of others or to the loss of or damage to their property.
  4. I acknowledge that I will take responsibility for my own actions while participating in any activity of the Association.
$5.00 Sold out
Aireys Inlet General Store
40 Great Ocean Rd, Aireys Inlet VIC 3232, Australia

PO Box 56, Flinders Lane, Melbourne, Victoria, 8009, Australia